Camera like this provide a unique insight into bird behavior.
Viewers may interested to note that in the front of our house another pair of finches is working on a nest and we currently have two young doves recently out of their nest sitting together under a tree in our front yard.
I am just finishing up some work and hopefully will post some more information about these finches soon.
Thank you for watching.
Wing Goodale
BioDiversity Research Institute
5/14 1:05
Well during one of my many breaks today, I was watching the Gold Finches in the river birch trees eating seeds & buds.....D'oh they're NOT on the ground eating worms!! I'm finally putting two and two together regarding my ?? earlier about what these finches eat. I'm guessing buds & seeds from blooming trees!
Student of Life
J in S.P.ME
Wed, 5-14-08 6:22 pm
I have tried all day to get the finch cam or the 15 second refresh. I cannot get it. The time has been stuck in one spot all day. Really disappointed.
For those of you whose image isn't refreshing please try go directly to the image link.
You will have to manually refresh, but at least you can see the latest image. I am trying to figure out why it is a problem on certain computers.
5-14 8:21 Eastern
I'm a Mac user and I'm not having any problem---it refreshes nicely and I was able to enjoy the video the other night when you were trying it out--it will be great when you get that working, Wing!
While I love the big birds, I'm fascinated by the finches!
I watch all the cams and am quite addicted--have been watching the eagles since you first began and make regular contributions to keep your critical work going.
Thanks for all you do!
Orono watcher
Wing: Thanks so much for the link to the finchcam. We are also not having any luck with the refreshing of the 15 minute shot.
We are running on windows xp, internet explorer 7 with Road Runner broadband. Don't know if this information will help you solve the problem.??
On another note...fascinating watching these young ones develope and so quickly. Thanks again for all your hard work trying to keep these cams up and running. Now if only the loons will cooperate and use their nest!!
Thanks for the image link. It works great. By the way, I too saw the live stream the other day, and that is when I saw the two mouths and then Dad feeding Mom and them Mom feeding the chicks. Would be great if that were to work!!
5/15 10:56
When just tuning in at 10:56a.m. I was treated to a picture of Mom feeding one of the chicks, her beak is right in his open mouth. Dad is there too with his pretty redish head & back and he also looks to be feeding a chick! What busy's a full time job!
J in S.P.ME
Thurs, 5-15-08, 11:06
Mom gone, looks like 4 babies? No more eggs.
She gets up frequently to feed and check them. Missing a lot because of the refresh. Fifteen seconds is a lot of time for stuff to happen.
Wing: I think the problem with the refreshing is the JAVA program. I reinstalled it, had the problems, and now have just uninstalled it and the page seems to be working just fine. Probably had a bug in it!
Glad to be back watching the cams!
I have been checking on the birds and also have been having problems with the 15 second refresh not working. Would be nice to have the live video. So much is happening with the little ones. Really enjoying the web cams of all the birds.
So, do we have four or five chicks? I haven't been able to count all the beaks. I did see them once when there were no parents, but it was just a pile of fluff.
5/15 6:20
Ward, sorry to be sooo thick, but you UNinstalled Java & it the refresh works fine? In my pea-brain un-install means it isn't there! Please help!
J in S.P.ME
Hello All:
J in SP Me: Yes, I completely removed it from my computer. As long as you have some other media player, I imagine it will work just fine. I have windows media player running now. I never had a problem until I re-installed and updated Java. Everything seems to be working just fine on the 15 second cam now. Try it, if it doesn't work you can always re-install Java. I've tried many other things to solve this problem and nothing worked until I removed JAVA. Haven't a clue why!! Also was having huge re-buffering problems with the MN Loon Cam and that seems to be working fine now too.
Hope it works for you.
It does seem that the newest Java upgrade is not compatible with the 15 second window refreshes. Just be careful with uninstalling the new upgrades....I crashed my system a while ago by elminating the wrong part of Java....
Thanks for the link to the manual refreshing page!
-Nan in walpole, ma
5/16 9:05
Thanks Bill and Nan re:Java.
You've both said things that make good sense & scare me to death! Crashing the system makes this ole girl feel that there'll be broken pieces of data all over my floor! I'm heading out for a weekend on MDI and hopefully I'll refresh myself so that I'll be very brave when I get home!!
I never caught the computer 'bug' way back when, never felt like I had a reason to use one...until I heard about the Loon cam! Thanks Lee! now the computer & I are daily visitors - it's a love-hate relationship!
J in S.P.ME
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