There is a lot more to talk about with these birds, including a disease that is working through the eastern population, how the male's purple plumage is affected by his diet, and how these birds have expanded their range over the years.
I am also on my way to get live streaming. At the moment the image should refresh every 10-15 seconds. I have noticed that it doesn't refresh on my work computer and it may have to do with my version of Java--if your image isn't refreshing you may want to try downloading the latest version of Java.
Wing Goodale
BioDiversity Research Institute
Oh my gosh... Today's my birthday. What a great birthday gift. Thank you for doing this for us.
I'm a Mainer living in SC and today at my inwindow feeder, I had a female summer tanager. That was quite a heartstopper.
OMG Pictures w/ the blog!!! Yeah!!! Thanks for the advice on Java - I've re-installed a few times in the past 6 months or so but I'll try it again.
Happy B-Day to you in SC...what a great birthday gift!
J in S.P.ME
Hi Wing,
That's so exciting to see the eggs last night and a chick this morning. You have given all the mothers who are missing their "chicks" and their mother's day celebrations a real lift. A tribute to all mothers! Bird and human. Thank you!!
May 12, 2008 12:30 PM
5/12 2:02 EST
This is the sweeting thing I've ever seen. Mom is on the nest with her little eyes shut. Sometimes nature is like a Disney movie.
Mon, 5-12-08
Wing, you must have known, how could we not love these little birds! They have a whole different appeal than the eagles or the loons. Love them all, and I am glad people like you are working to improve their habitat and survival and thus the lives of us all.
Wing. . . How very clever. Awesome. I'm learning so much about different birds/raptors. Man. Can't wait to see what the other cams are going to be.
Mon, 5-12-08, 7:14
There are now two baby finches in the nest. And when mom gets up, two little mouths open and chirp.
Mon, 5-12-08, 7:21 pm
Dad came and fed Mom, then about three minutes later, Mom fed the two chicks.
How delightful! My usual house finches on my own porch seem to have been driven out by Sparrows and robins, so it is a delight to see this family! I look forward to hearing more about the disease they may have as I really haven't seen as many as I used to here.
~Nan in Walpole, MA
Here in S.E. Texas the finches are my favorites to watch at the feeder, but this year we had no purple finches and just a few goldfinches. I am wondering if the disease you mention was the reason for that. I was afraid it was our local cat population, but maybe there's another answer. Unfortunately, nothing ever seems to befall the grackles ! (just kidding, but they are a nuisance). Jay B
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